795 research outputs found

    Knowledge Search within a Company-WIKI

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    The usage of Wikis for the purpose of knowledge management within a business company is only of value if the stored information can be found easily. The fundamental characteristic of a Wiki, its easy and informal usage, results in large amounts of steadily changing, unstructured documents. The widely used full-text search often provides search results of insufficient accuracy. In this paper, we will present an approach likely to improve search quality, through the use of Semantic Web, Text Mining, and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) technologies. Search results are more precise and complete because, in contrast to full-text search, the proposed knowledge-based search operates on the semantic layer

    Similarity Measures for Object-Oriented Case Representations

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    Object-oriented case representations require approaches for similarity assessment that allow to compare two differently structured objects, in particular, objects belonging to different object classes. Currently, such similarity measures are developed more or less in an ad-hoc fashion. It is mostly unclear, how the structure of an object-oriented case model, e.g., the class hierarchy, influences similarity assessment. Intuitively, it is obvious that the class hierarchy contains knowledge about the similarity of the objects. However, how this knowledge relates to the knowledge that could be represented in similarity measures is not obvious at all. This paper analyzes several situations in which class hierarchies are used in different ways for case modeling and proposes a systematic way of specifying similarity measures for comparing arbitrary objects from the hierarchy. The proposed similarity measures have a clear semantics and are computationally inexpensive to compute at run-time

    Using Semantic Web Services for AI-Based Research in Industry 4.0

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    The transition to Industry 4.0 requires smart manufacturing systems that are easily configurable and provide a high level of flexibility during manufacturing in order to achieve mass customization or to support cloud manufacturing. To realize this, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods find their way into manufacturing shop floors. For using AI methods in the context of Industry 4.0, semantic web services are indispensable to provide a reasonable abstraction of the underlying manufacturing capabilities. In this paper, we present semantic web services for AI-based research in Industry 4.0. Therefore, we developed more than 300 semantic web services for a physical simulation factory based on Web Ontology Language for Web Services (OWL-S) and Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) and linked them to an already existing domain ontology for intelligent manufacturing control. Suitable for the requirements of CPS environments, our pre- and postconditions are verified in near real-time by invoking other semantic web services in contrast to complex reasoning within the knowledge base. Finally, we evaluate our implementation by executing a cyber-physical workflow composed of semantic web services using a workflow management system.Comment: Submitted to ISWC 202

    Intelligente Suche im Internet mit Lernenden Systemen

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    Der Trend zu einer immer stärkeren Kopplung von Systemen bei gleichzeitiger Dezentralisierung durch Vernetzung hat dazu geführt, daß Computernutzern auf Wunsch enorme Datenmengen zur Verfügung stehen, die sich einer sinnvollen Bearbeitung durch den Nutzer allein völlig entziehen. Unterschiedliche Repräsentationsformalismen für Informationen, Mehrdeutigkeiten, Redundanz sowie eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit sowohl von Informationen als auch von Rechenleistung machen konventionelle Suchverfahren unanwendbar. Stattdessen werden Suchverfahren und Programme benötigt, die sich intelligent an unterschiedliche Formalismen anpassen, ihre Handlungen ständig evaluieren und fähig sind, ihre Benutzer individuell zu unterstützen. Schlagwörter wie Knowbots, Search-Engines oder Data-Miningsind deshalb zur Zeit in aller Munde. Ein umfassendes Buch, das die hinter diesen und ähnlichen Schlagwörtern verborgenen Ideen und Konzepte präsentiert, existiert jedoch zur Zeit noch nicht. Dies war für uns die Motivation, das Thema "Intelligente Suche im Internet mit Lernenden Systemen" in einem Seminar zu behandeln. Wir haben damit ein Forschungsgebiet aufgegriffen, das sowohl für alle am LSA beteiligten Gruppen von Interesse ist, aber darüber hinaus aktuell von vielen Seiten aufmerksam beobachtet wird. Daher haben wir uns entschlossen, die Ausarbeitungen, die im Rahmen dieses Seminars von den TeilmehmerInnen erstellt wurden, durch den vorliegenden Bericht einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen

    Declarative Guideline Conformance Checking of Clinical Treatments: A Case Study

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    Conformance checking is a process mining technique that allows verifying the conformance of process instances to a given model. Thus, this technique is predestined to be used in the medical context for the comparison of treatment cases with clinical guidelines. However, medical processes are highly variable, highly dynamic, and complex. This makes the use of imperative conformance checking approaches in the medical domain difficult. Studies show that declarative approaches can better address these characteristics. However, none of the approaches has yet gained practical acceptance. Another challenge are alignments, which usually do not add any value from a medical point of view. For this reason, we investigate in a case study the usability of the HL7 standard Arden Syntax for declarative, rule-based conformance checking and the use of manually modeled alignments. Using the approach, it was possible to check the conformance of treatment cases and create medically meaningful alignments for large parts of a medical guideline

    The 2-Channel Kondo Model I: Review of Experimental Evidence for its Realization in Metal Nanoconstrictions

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    Certain zero-bias anomalies (ZBAs) in the voltage, temperature and magnetic field dependence of the conductance G(V,T,H)G(V,T,H) of quenched Cu point contacts have previously been interpreted to be due to non-magnetic 2-channel Kondo (2CK) scattering from near-degenerate atomic two-level tunneling systems (Ralph and Buhrman, 1992; Ralph et al. 1994), and hence to represent an experimental realization of the non-Fermi-liquid physics of the T=0 fixed point of the 2-channel Kondo model. In this, the first in a series of three papers (I,II,III) devoted to 2-channel Kondo physics, we present a comprehensive review of the quenched Cu ZBA experiments and their 2CK interpretation, including new results on ZBAs in constrictions made from Ti or from metallic glasses. We first review the evidence that the ZBAs are due to electron scattering from stuctural defects that are not static, but possess internal dynamics. In order to distinguish between several mechanisms proposed to explain the experiments, we then analyze the scaling properties of the conductance at low temperature and voltage and extract from the data a universal scaling function Γ(v)\Gamma(v). The theoretical calculation of the corresponding scaling function within the 2CK model is the subject of papers II and III. The main conclusion of our work is that the properties of the ZBAs, and most notably their scaling behavior, are in good agreement with the 2CK model and clearly different from several other proposed mechanisms.Comment: 35 pages RevTeX, 19 encapsulated postscript figures; this final published version features two additional authors, an additional section reviewing recent experiments on Ti nanoconstrictions that agree very well with the 2-channel Kondo model, 6 new figures (and is much shorter the previous 53 page version, due to reformatting